You may have noticed that in our monthly newsletter a regular slot is given to a short video about ‘tuning out the noise’.
We usually reference this with “Watch this video and discover how partnering with the right financial planner plays a vital role in keeping investors on their financial plan and what really matters.”
The video is just under 4 minutes long. Even if you’ve seen this before, it’s worth re-watching as a timely reminder.
The message to ‘tune out the noise’ is particularly important at the moment, with all that is going on in the World, not least within our Government, the rising cost of living, and how interest rates are affecting bond markets.
At times like these there are a number of things that you can do to feel calmer and more in control:
- Read, watch or listen to less financial press and commentary.
- Accept that investing is always a two steps forwards, one step back journey.
- Try not to dissect your portfolio statement line by line – look at the big picture.
- Look at portfolio outcomes over the longest time frame you have available.
- Remember that a fall in value is not a loss unless you sell.
- Higher bond yields and lower equity prices point towards higher expected returns.
- Attempting to jump in and out of markets is simply guesswork, and likely to be costly.
- Place 2022 in the context of your multi-year, or even multi-decade, investment horizon.
- Keep your eyes on the prize of building future purchasing power over the longer term.
- Keep the faith – stay invested.
Interested in finding out how we can optimise your financial plan and investment strategy? Get in touch today to arrange a free, no-commitment consultation with a member of our team here at WMM.
You can call us on 01869 331469
This content is for information and inspiration purposes only. It should not be taken as financial or investment advice. To receive personalised, regulated financial advice regarding your affairs please consult us here at WMM (financial planning in Oxfordshire).
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