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How a financial planner helps business owners

By | Financial Planning

Most business owners are aware of their need for an accountant. After all, taxes need to be filed each year and most limited companies recognise that it mitigates risk by getting a professional to look over everything. Yet why use a financial planner? To use an analogy, an accountant is like a mechanic for your car. They check that everything passes the legally required tests. Your financial planner, however, is like an experienced guide for a long, cross-continent road trip where you will encounter many challenges and opportunities that need navigating effectively.

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A short guide to Lasting Power of Attorney

By | Financial Planning

What is a Lasting Power of Attorney? In short, it’s a very useful and powerful legal document which specifies to whom you give authority to act on your behalf, should you become “incapacitated”. This refers to events which affect your physical and mental wellbeing, removing your ability to manage your personal affairs effectively and independently. As such, a LPA document comes into effect during your lifetime – not at the end of it, like a will does (which is a separate legal document). Below, our financial planning team at WMM explains how LPA works, the different types and how it can play a key role in your financial plan.

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March 2021 Budget & preparing your financial plan

By | Financial Planning

The March 2021 Budget took many people by surprise. Several pundits had expected a sweep of tax rises to help pay down the public debt caused by COVID-19 (e.g. rises in fuel duty and Capital Gains Tax). Yet the only clear tax rise concerns Corporation Tax, which we will examine in more detail below. Although it may appear that little has changed in this Budget, there are still important aspects to consider for your financial planning in 2021. We address some of the highlights below.

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How to make the most of the state pension

By | Pensions, Retirement Planning

If someone offered you an investment opportunity with “guaranteed, high returns”, you would be right to question their claim. Whether it’s bonds, stocks or property – all investing has an element of risk. Yet perhaps there is one “investment” which gets fairly close to being an exception. The UK state pension offers individuals a lifetime income in retirement, rising in line with inflation via the “triple lock” system. You do not need to worry about your state pension income falling due to a crash in the stock markets, or the rising cost of living eroding its spending power. Of course, government policy could change the state pension rules down the line – a distinct possibility, but highly unlikely to become a reality any time soon.

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Ethical investments in 2021: the outlook

By | Investment Planning

The UK has committed to a zero-carbon target by 2050, aiming for a 68% reduction by 2030 (compared to 1990 levels) in the shorter term. Newly-elected U.S. President Joe Biden has also committed to the same target for the USA. Within the investment world, moreover, large asset management firms are trying to meet growing investor demand for environmentally-friendly funds and investment opportunities. In light of the above, what is the current landscape like for ethical investments in 2021? What kind of prospects lie ahead for those looking to increase the “ESG profile” of their portfolio (environmental, social and governance)?

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Pensions vs. ISAs in retirement planning

By | Retirement Planning

There are at least two ways to control your investment growth – the fees you pay, and taxes. For the latter, two investment vehicles are popular for retirement planning – pensions and ISAs (i.e. individual savings accounts). Which is better for mitigating unnecessary tax and enjoying more of your hard-earned savings in later life?

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UK government debt – does it matter to your portfolio?

By | Investment Planning

The COVID-19 pandemic has had many consequences. One of them is a spike in public debt as the UK government rolled out costly support measures such as the Job Retention Scheme (i.e. “furlough”), cash grants for struggling businesses and deferred VAT payments. Whilst arguably necessary, these measures have led to record government borrowing which totalled £2.1tn in December 2020, equivalent to 99.5% of the UK’s GDP (gross domestic product).

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Why Pension Awareness Day 2020 Matters

By | Pensions

This content is for information and inspiration purposes only. It should not be taken as financial or investment advice. To receive personalised, regulated financial advice regarding your affairs please consult us here at WMM (financial planning in Oxford).

Did you know that the UK celebrated its Pension Awareness Day on the 15th September 2020? If it skipped past you, then you are not alone. Much of the media attention on COVID-19, trade disputes and other matters have largely obscured this important day from the public. Yet it has arguably never been more vital to hear the message of Pensions Awareness Day, namely: “Are you saving enough money for retirement?”

The sad answer to this question is that many people are not. Here at WMM, our Oxford-based financial planning team is striving to be part of the solution to this problem. In 2020 and in the years ahead, it is now likely that an individual’s retirement will span more than 30 years (as opposed to perhaps less than a decade in the 1900s – when the state pension was introduced). This means that people’s pensions will likely need to stretch further. Yet a UK government report suggests that as many as 12m people have little or no pension savings at all.


People and pensions are changing

Many people in the UK seem to assume that the state will simply look after them when they get old – much like the NHS is expected to provide free care when they get sick. Unfortunately, this assumption is not correct. In 2020-21, the full new state pension provides £175.20 per week – a sum which most cannot reasonably live on by itself.

Another complicating factor in all of this is the fact that the pensions landscape is changing. In the recent past, many workers would have access to a defined benefit (or “final salary”) pension which paid a guaranteed income in retirement until death. This – in combination with your state pension – was often enough to live on comfortably, indefinitely. In 2020, however, this kind of pension is increasingly rare. More commonly, workers now have a defined contribution pension which involves building up a pot of money for retirement. Whilst this offers advantages over a defined benefit pension, it does leave open the possibility that you might run out of money without careful retirement planning.


Lack of awareness and understanding

One of the big challenges that financial planners must help people overcome is the complexity of pensions. Many people feel intimidated by the subject and so delay the decision to start thinking seriously about it (by which point, much valuable time for saving has been lost). One survey by the ONS, for instance, suggests that only a minority of 35-44 year olds agree with the statement: “I feel I understand enough about pensions to make decisions about saving for retirement”. Older survey respondents also showed disturbing results, with one-fifth of 45-year olds saying that they thought their pension would not meet their expense requirements when they retired. Around 10% said they were unaware if they had saved enough, or not.


Financial planning for everyone

Retirement planning and pensions is not simply for the “super rich”. Everyone needs to think about how they will meet their financial needs in their 50s, 60s and beyond. Some will want to keep working, yet most will want to retire in some fashion. Here, the message of Pension Awareness Day invites you to reach out to a financial adviser/planner and to take early steps to prepare for your future. At worst, you spend some time discussing some of your options with a professional during a free consultation and then go on your merry way. At best, you chart a course together which moves you towards an inspiring set of financial goals in retirement.



Interested in finding out how we can optimise your financial plan? Get in touch today to arrange a free, no-commitment consultation with a member of our team here at WMM.

You can call us on 01869 331469


WMM Launches its New Website!

By | Articles | No Comments

At WMM, we are now delighted to announce the launch of our brand new company logo and website. Welcome!

We are very excited to take our message to the online world. Our aim with this design project was always to help equip both new and potential clients with information about how to plan for their future.

We hope you find the content here useful. We would be thrilled if you would consider sharing our website with anyone you feel might benefit from our financial planning and advice services.

Thank you, and enjoy the website!